Connie Coffey

Connie Coffey


Colleen & Alvaro Valderrama

Colleen Valderrama

Colleen Valderrama

Colleen Valderrama and her part in the death of Connie Coffey.

Colleen Valderrama it is unbelievable how you can turn a whole family against the truth when you are the ones that said Simon and Brittany should be removed from their children’s lives. Then you enlist the help of Brittany and her dad Brent Rooney who sexually molested Brittany when she was a child. 
​Colleen Valderrama I nailed it when I told you to your face that you are "Evil". Colleen you put on this helpless poor pitty me facade when in fact you are the evil ring leader. I have never seen anyone lie like you do to get your own way.  Colleen you are the "One Armed Bandit". Enough said.

​These are some of Colleen Valderramas text messages.  
Colleen Text page 1

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Alvaro Valderrama

Alvaro Valderrama

Alvaro Valderrama

Alvaro Valderrama you told us that this would never happen, that we would never have to go to court with your family to see our grandkids. Just another Valderrama lie! You sneak into and out of the courtroom like you have something to hide. ​What's your citizenship status Alvaro? Are you one of those illegal immigrants? Is that why you were always in such a hurry to leave the court building? I guess I will just have to get your past looked into!

What else to say about Alvaro Valderrama? NOTHING!

He is like that ice cube you drop on the floor at the fridge - not worth picking up, just kick it under the fridge and forget about it. Alvaro what is your purpose? Why do you exist?